Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My sincere apologies.....

As most of you know, i like to read and blog hop around...:)

But lately do not know why, there is some blogs i can;t leave comments on....so i hope you all do not think i stop visiting ur blogs.

Blogs that have comment box 'pop' up...are the ones lately i can;t comment on.
Everything is there except the 'publish' section. I think there is some bug with my lap top. Will try to ask around for advice on fixing the bug.

Blogs i can;t comment on are; Asiana, Bee, Cat Cat, Florence, JT, Ms Envy and Sting.

Hopefully this problem will be fix soon. In the mean time, please do not think i have stop visiting ur blogs. Keep well now.


NorthBorneoGirl said...

No apologies needed :) Always know tht you've visited my blog ;) take care .. and have a great week!

Nightwing said...

Helo Ms Envy,

Thanks again...you have a great week too...:)

nyonyapenang said...

Hi Nightwing,

No worries.....I know you are always there looking out for me. Thank you so much.

You have a great day.

Cat Cat said...

No worries... We know you are there. Hope you will get it fixed... Let us know if we need to do our part too...

Nightwing said...

Helo Nyonya,

Thanks for popping by...:)


Hi Cat,

Thanks....naw don;t think its ur side, cause many ppl can comment...i think there is a bug in my computer.

Will try to get it fix soon...hehe...my fren the com guy is in West Malaysia at the moment..:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Nightwing,

Oh there are times I have to click 4 or 5 times. Memang susah. The worst is when we lose the comment that we wrote and it is horrendous to write all over again. I do hope you will be able to fix that problem soon. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nightwing,

Oh there are times I have to click 4 or 5 times. Memang susah. The worst is when we lose the comment that we wrote and it is horrendous to write all over again. I do hope you will be able to fix that problem soon. Cheers.

Nightwing said...

Hi Kak Ruby,

Ya, sometimes can be a headache when u have to rewrite again...the 'feel' not there anymore.

Thanks again for dropping by..:)

pat said...

HI Nightwing..

i think the same thing happened to me lah except for the problem is my 'pop-up' window became very small and I have to open it on other tab instead.other than that,i think still ok.

Nightwing said...

Hi Pat,

Ya, not sure whats up with the problem. Just now i checked...cookie was blocked...so it could because of the cookie blocked...caused the 'publish' section not appearing.

sting said...

no worries ya.. thx for visiting.. hope yr bug gets fix soon :-) cheers

Nightwing said...

Hi Sting,

Ya..will get it fix soon. Thanks for visiting..:)

= FLoReNcE = said...


No need to apologize. I know u r always drop by my page. Appreciated so much. Thanks for everything!!! ^_^

Nightwing said...

Hi Florence,

Thanks for the kind words. U take care now...cheers.