Friday, May 16, 2008

Japanese Name- tag

Thank you Monica for the tag!!!

For the instructions, add your name on the list and simply spell out your name using the given Japanese letter- translations below. Tag six of your friends and inform them of the tag. Have fun.

A - ka
F - lu
K - me
P - no
U - do
Z - zi
B - tu
G - ji
L - ta
Q - ke
V - ru
C - mi
H - ri
M - rin
R - shi
W - mei
D - te
I - ki
N - to
S - ari
X - na
E - ku
J - zu
O - mo
T - chi
Y - fu

1. OSWALD - moarimeikatate (sounds like america and states. har…. har… har…)

2. CHLOE - Miritamoku — Um…think I still prefer my given name, ha ha

3. GENG – Jikutoji — Actually, I think its cute sounding. Arigato gozaimasu!

4. CONSTANCE - Mimoto arichi katomiku — WOW! Does it sound like an authentic Japanese cuisine? YIKES! I broke it up cos it was quite a mouthful!

5. DORA - Temoshika – Sounds pretty good huh?! Does it mean beautiful woman?

6. Sting - Arichi Kitoji - Sounds like a guy's name but at least it rhymes! LOL!!

7. Amidrin - Karinki Teshikito (I was deciding between Karinki Teshikito or Karinkites Hikito. LOL... still the english name sounds much better.)

8. Osindak - Moari Kitotekame (I sound very Japanese! LOL)

9. Monica - Rinmotokimika (lol, it sounds so funny)

10. Nightwing - Tokijirichi Meikitoji.....:)

Feel free to join in...:)


Lee said...

Hi Nightwing, prounouncing your name in Japanese sure can get my tongue twisted, ha ha.
Think I'll stick to my name, ha ha.
But it is interesting how the formula works too.
Stay easy Nightwing, UL.

Nightwing said...

Helo Uncle Lee,

Haha...that was my first thought too...wonder how to pronouced it...:)

You have a great weekend ahead now.

Monica said...

so long...hahaha..

Anyway, enjoy your weekend ;-)