In Anglophone countries, shaking hands is considered the standard greeting in business situations. In casual non-business situations, men are more likely to shake hands than women. It is considered to be in poor taste to show dominance with too strong a handshake[2]; conversely, too weak a handshake (sometimes referred to as a "limp fish" or "dead fish" handshake) is also considered unseemly[3].
There are various customs surrounding handshakes, both generically and specific to certain cultures:
1) Generally it is considered inappropriate to reject a handshake.
2) In some cultures people shake both hands, but in most cultures people shake the right hand.
3) Scouts specifically use a left handshake, as do practitioners of Fencing. This is due to the right hand being employed holding a pole or a sword respectively.
4) Secret societies and fraternities and sororities often use secret handshakes to identify themselves as initiated brothers or sisters to outside members.
To me the handshake is a reflection of the person. People whi are thinkers, no matter what will go beyond social norms and customs.
To my mind, there are only 4% of the whole 6 billion people in this world who are true and sincere..ha ha!
So if handshake is a yardstick, you will not get that many good grips from most..ha ha...well, at least 4 in a hundred then.
Ya..true true. '4% in the world of 6 billion'...thats not much to say about human kind...hehe.
You have a great week ahead...cheers.
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