Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Funny Sms

How do you know Santa Claus is a man?

1) He turns up late

2) Drinks ur booze

3) Empties his sack

4) Only comes once

5) And leaves off before u wake up.


Cat Cat said...

Haha, totally agree with #1.

Hope you had a good Christmas and Happy Hari Berkotak... HEHE!!

Nightwing said...

Hi Cat,

Glad u like it...:)

Ya, Happy Berkotak..haha.

Moonlight_tears said...

Hi dear,
sorry that I didn't wish u earlier. My bad. I really love to procastinate, guess I am not into the definition of "carpe diem" because I never seize the day or opportunity. hahah
Guess I better wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR and May all the good things lies ahead for you in 2008.


Nightwing said...

Hi Nicole,

Thanks for popping by and your kind wishes...:)

Not to worry, some times...go on a slow and steady pace is good too...:)

NorthBorneoGirl said...

*lol* can be true ... but I have many reasons on my blog tht Santa is a woman :D

Anyways Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day :)

Nightwing said...

Hi Ms Envy,

Thanks for dropping by....will pop over to your crib...:)

Hazel said...

haha it's funny.

Moonlight_tears said...

yeah huh, slow and steady pace is good, it makes me unproductive. In other words,ridiculously useless.

Did you had a great week?

By the way, I agree with all the number of list that you post, not refering to Santa as a man, but male in general. Funny post about man and Santa.

DCampbell aka Puteri said...

Haha, those do sound like a man!

Lee said...

Hi Nightwing, cute joke, ha ha.
But regret to read about Mr Khoo's wife.
Yes, words are never enough for someone who loses a loved one.
We can only extend our hand in friendship and comfort.
When we smile, the whole world smiles with us, cry...and you cry alone.
Take care, Nightwing, UL.

ruby ahmad said...

Hello Nightwing,

Ha ha..that's funny. But then again that could sound like a woman too. Women have changed these days lah...Ha ha. Nevermind, I will go along with the sms lah. Santa is a man! Better for all men to think women are great! LOL!

Here's wishing you and loved ones:


Nightwing said...

Hi Hazel,

hehe...glad u like it..:)

Nightwing said...

Helo Nicole,

Am glad u like the post.

So far so good, but it has been raining heavily, a bit worried cause last week, landslide hit one of the power station.. Power was down for awhile.

Other then that i am cool...:)

Hope u had a great week.

Nightwing said...

Hi Puteri,

hehe...check out Ms Envy's version...she got a great post on Santa being a lady...:)

Nightwing said...

Helo Uncle Lee,

Thanks for dropping by and your kind words for Mr Khoo.

What u say is true indeed.

Nightwing said...

Helo Kak Ruby,

Thanks for dropping by and your kind wishes...:)

Check out Ms Envy's....she got a great one on Santa being a lady..:)